Application of the Ummi Method in Overcoming Difficulties in Reading the Quran

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Fairus Shofi Supandi
Samsul Hakim


The purpose of this study was to determine the Application of the Ummi Method in Learning to Read the Qur'an at SDIT Al-Wildan Mendagi Gerung, as well as to strengthen the results of research that has been done by previous researchers on the same issue. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The research location is at SDIT Al-Wildan Mendagi Gerung. The techniques used in data collection are observation, interviews, and documentation. While the data analysis technique uses data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. For data validity techniques using extended research time and triangulation. The results of research on the Application of the Ummi Method in Learning to Read the Qur'an at SDIT Al-Wildan Mendagi Gerung, namely learning to read the Qur'an must be emphasized through 7 stages, namely opening, apperception, concept planting, concept understanding, skills, evaluation, and closing, then there is a target time and time allocation that must be carried out. The advantages of the Ummi method in learning to read the Qur'an are: having structured material, the Ummi method implements learning with 3 approaches, namely direct method (direct method), repetition (repeated), and sincere love. As well as the obstacles that arise in the application of the Ummi method in reading the Qur'an are students who are often late in entering due to an activity that they cannot leave also because the parents of students are too busy so they are not noticed.

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How to Cite
Supandi, F. S., Samsul Hakim, & Fatmawati. (2024). Application of the Ummi Method in Overcoming Difficulties in Reading the Quran . Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Al-Amin, 1(1), 52–60. Retrieved from