Implementation of Spiritual Guidance and Counseling for Students at MA Darul Habibi Paok Tawah Central Lombok

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Education is an effort to improve human quality so that they become God-fearing human beings. Thus, providing guidance and counseling is not only based on psychological and socio-cultural principles, but must also understand that humans are creatures of Allah SWT. The aim of this research is to determine the implementation of spiritual counseling guidance carried out at Madrasah Aliyah Darul Habibi Paok Tawah Central Lombok. This research is field research, the researcher used qualitative descriptive research. The objects of this research are school principals, student affairs and counseling guidance teachers. Data collection techniques in this research are interviews, observation and documentation, while technical data analysis is through data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results of this research stem from preventive efforts in schools, the violations that occurred were in the form of minor violations. Handling problematic students is carried out through dialogue directed at understanding religious values. The impact of spiritual counseling shows a change in behavior for the better. The supporting factor for spiritual counseling is that teachers are given the opportunity to develop themselves and accompany students at school. As for the inhibiting factors, there are still students at school who do not understand the function of guidance and counseling and parents who are less responsive to children's problems that disrupt school rules.

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How to Cite
Hamzanwadi, & Sirajudin. (2024). Implementation of Spiritual Guidance and Counseling for Students at MA Darul Habibi Paok Tawah Central Lombok. Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Al-Amin, 1(2), 147–155. Retrieved from